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width="15" height="13">
face="Trekker">The Place for Andalites who wanna be a part of the
src="Ball31D0.gif" width="15" height="13">
my name is Spalose-Tanyok-Daanerk, I am an Andalite War-Prince,
and I need your help...>
guess you've come to this page because you are an Andalite, no?
Well, if this is true, welcome! This page is tributed to great
warriors everywhere, Elfangor, Seerow, Arbron, Alloran (bless his
soul), we will save him...
point. I have begun an Andalite military service (or club, if you
will) called TASOPE (The Andalite Service of Planet Exploration)
and am seeking Andalites to join! I have certain requirements,
that you must follow, though. Now...the instructions.
src="Blue_CircularC383.gif" width="427" height="5">
Here's a picture of me!

color="#400000" face="Trekker">INI
face="Trekker">NG TA
color="#FF0000" face="Trekker">S
color="#FF0000" face="Trekker">E
So, you've
decided to join TASOPE, eh?
there are a few requirements for joining TASOPE:
must be an Andalite (male or female)
must be at least 12 years of age.
must want to destroy the Yeerks, and take this seriously.
must be able to check your mail at least every other day.
Those are
most of the requirements, you must also send this info to me...
name (_____-______-______)
state you reside in (In which to determine any crewmates
you will have)
morph's name (to call you by in chat
rooms...letters...AOL IM's etc.)
After this
information has been sent to me, you will recieve your welcome
letter. My email address is listed below...
color="#00FF00" face="Trekker">[email protected]
I check my
mail everyday, so don't worry about me not getting back to you.
Here's a
picture of one of our Customized fighters:
src="S-9_Pursuit_Fighter.gif" width="388" height="256">
Here are
some places where you might be able to contact me directly:
I looooove
to chat, especiallly RPG (role-playing chat) at TalonsHawk's
chat. If you want to go there, here are the ways you can get
there...1) Go to
color="#00FF00" face="Trekker">www.yahoo.com
color="#00FF00" face="Trekker"> and use their search engine..in
the box type: Talonhawk. It should bring up one result that looks
like this... Talonhawk's Animorphs. If you have java, than scroll
down until you reach the JAVA chat link. I am usually in the top
chat, but sometimes vacate to the lower one. 2) Use the address
right here!
color="#00FF00" face="Trekker">www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/1746/chats.html
Those are
ways to contact me through chat rooms (I will be using the
nickname-PrinceSpalose) I also have AOL Insatant Messenger and my
screen name is: Artist551. Do not try to send mail to this, IT
WILL NOT WORK. I have it on all the while I'm online. If you need
any info, don't hesitate to email me here's my address again if
you missed the first time -
href="mailto:[email protected]">
face="Trekker">[email protected]
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color="#0000FF" size="6" face="Trekker">s
are some aliens that TASOPE is familiar with...
src="Taxxon.gif" width="237" height="237">
src="Hork-Bajir.gif" width="263" height="212">
3. Gedd
src="Gedd.gif" width="259" height="259">